Shaping the future together. Assumption of responsibility. With a clear attitude and values as established in our Code of Conduct. That is our mission. As everything is interconnected, we have defined four fields of action based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals within which we can exercise special influence – for a society economically, ecologically and socially worth living in. Our abbreviation for more sustainability: we set a clear signal with SEED.

Social Employer

Our employees are the be-all and end-all of our success. Therefore, we are more than happy to invest in attractive and secure workplaces. Thus, we remain a modern employer and home to the cleverest brains in the sector. What does that actually mean? Fair remuneration models, equal opportunities, unlimited term employment, tested work safety and health protection. Flexible working hours help to reconcile private life and work.

Ethical Gover­nance

Since our foundation, we have placed value on ethically responsible management. Independent and transparent supervisory structures secure our customers’ and employees’ trust and integrity. From data protection via supply chain care and sustainable purchasing to regular training of our managers – our decisions and actions should not only be legally correct but also morally acceptable and in the best interests of all concerned.

Envi­ron­mental Respon­si­bi­lity

Everything is nothing without our environment. We are aware of our significance. We wish to and must make our contribution: with the direct reduction of emissions and by establishing digital processes throughout the company. Moreover, we are involved in organisations and associations in order to strengthen the influence of our action above and beyond the limits of the company.

Deve­lo­ping Tomorrow

Our involvement in future-oriented industries, which is firmly anchored in the corporate strategy, supports the innovations which enable achievement of the sustainability goals and therefore a world worth living in tomorrow. Further training and supporting the employees also favour the competence and diversity in MINT vocations. In order to develop the future, we are increasingly involved in forward-looking projects for our customers.

Figures, Data, Facts

How we live and promote sustaina­bi­lity

Corporate Social Responsibility is concerned with fair business practices, employee-orientated staff policy, economical use of natural resources; protection of climate and environment, serious local involvement and responsibility also in the delivery chain. We act sustainably and responsibly. We measure and document our success.

Sustaina­bi­lity Report 2023

Would you like to know more about our sustainability management? You can read about this and a lot more regarding our sustainability service in our Sustainability Report in cold print.

To the current report

Selected Success Stories

Sustaina­bi­lity made by FERCHAU

Certi­fied accor­ding to sector stan­dards

Quality standard ISO 9001
Work safety DIN ISO 45001
Automotive TISAX
Environmental protection DIN EN ISO 14001
Information security DIN ISO/IEC 27001

Signed and sealed

We are interested in what others think about us: therefore we have registered on various platforms such as EcoVadis, CDP, IntegrityNext and NQC and have external audits carried out. We are particularly happy to have been awarded the EcoVadis silver medal. With it, we belong to the 15 percent of the top evaluated companies. This motivates us for continuous improvement.

Do you have any further ques­tions? Feel free to approach us.

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