Connecting People and Technologies for the Next Level

Intelligent, low-emission, convenient and communicative – tomorrow’s vehicles demand a great deal from their manufacturers. FERCHAU assumes the entire development process on behalf of its clients: brainstorming, overall conception, component development, prototype construction and testing.

Vehicle concepts

Calcu­late and cali­brate

The perfect vehicle arrangement generally means a compromise between design, engineering, safety, ergonomics and regulations. Our specialists find a balance between the competing aspects to arrive at a consistent vehicle concept.

Compe­tency clus­ters
  • Concept and feasibility assessment
  • Development of proposed solutions
  • Production and optimisation of dimensional chains
  • Creation of project folders
  • Model evaluation (design check)
Component development


Our teams develop components, including for drive trains, thermomanagement and electrical systems, taking account of specific requirements ranging from the concept to series production – including virtual validation.

Compe­tency clus­ters
  • Conceptualisation
  • Design
  • Simulation
  • Component ownership
  • Project management
Prototyping and testing

Make and test

Our teams assemble prototype structures, ranging from the components to the complete vehicle, covering every conceivable requirement. We possess the relevant expertise, as well as the necessary equipment for the subsequent testing phase. For specific requirements, we develop customised testing facilities tailored to client’s specifications.

  • Component manufacture
  • Complete vehicle assembly
  • Software integration
  • Software testing
  • Component testing
  • Complete vehicle testing
  • Test bench development
Project and quality management

Stee­ring and moving

FERCHAU’s comprehensive project management service includes schedule, resource and cost planning, as well as supplier coordination and support. Our quality management encompasses the complete process, from reviewing strict quality targets, to the release recommendation.

Compe­tency clus­ters
  • Project management
  • Parts management
  • Process optimisation & process modelling
  • Quality management

Team Celsius

Our specialists not only develop individual components, but also complete systems for controlling heat flows from the cooling and climate circuits in vehicles – for both conventional and electric drives.

Compe­tency clus­ters
  • System validation based on simulation
  • Component development
  • Component management
  • Project management
NVH and sound development


Have you any requirements in terms of noise, vibration and harshness? FERCHAU’s acoustic and vibration engineering experts can develop active sound designs for you, for both automotive and non-automotive applications. What’s more: the sound check is conducted on our own test benches.

Compe­tency clus­ters
  • Full-vehicle NVH
  • External noise acoustics
  • Brake noise acoustics
  • Structural dynamics
  • Sound design
Holger Schramm, Head of Vehicle Development, FERCHAU Automotive

The evolu­tion of mobi­lity is advan­cing – we are actively helping to shape it.

How can we help? Let’s talk!

Our branches

Success stories

Success stories made by FERCHAU

© 2024 | FERCHAU GmbH
