Connecting People and Technologies for the Next Level

The logistics sector ensures the provision of companies and the population with goods and services. In the coming years, the sector will face several challenges: sustainability, digitalisation, and a lack of specialists are the most significant drivers. With the full-service offer and numerous creative minds, FERCHAU is your competent contact partner for Engineering and IT in all logistics companies’ concerns.

The logistics sector is a large-scale emitter of greenhouse gas. As measures against climatic change, companies must reduce their emission considerably and additionally be able to calculate the CO₂ footprint in their delivery chains as of 2023. However, adequate process and data management is missing for several companies for this. Digitalisation – in particular AI technology – offers logistics experts new opportunities to perfection their processes here: from fleet and route planning via warehouse planning and optimisation to economical supply chain control and increased supply chain transparency.

Automation and robotics can help to increase logistics effectiveness and compensate a lack of experts. Also, drones can be used to transport goods and inspect warehouses and means of transport.

At FERCHAU, we help you with our know-how to improve your processes sustainably to reduce warehouse and transport costs, develop transport technology and minimise throughput times.

Success Stories

Success stories made by FERCHAU

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